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No other Phoenix web design company offers a package like this
Does your website attract local business? Does your web design promote actual sales by generating quality leads?
Is your Phoenix website making you money?
When it comes to web design, these are the only questions that matter. If your website isn’t generating traffic that can be converted into sales, then why even bother having a website?
LinkHelpers is a Phoenix web design company that’s been doing business since 1995. We are offering a comprehensive Website Development Package for a limited time offer of $1,999. Not only will our experts build you a five page, mobile friendly optimized website, we will rank your site on Google Maps within your ideal local market – guaranteed.
You don’t have to spend a fortune to establish your own internet identity and compete within your local market. No other Phoenix web design company offers a complete package like this, so contact us today to get started.
Your web design matters – put our expertise to work for you
Small to medium sized businesses and family-owned operations depend on their local customers. Whether you own a restaurant or retail shop, or work as a contractor or in a trade-related industry, most of your business qualifies as “local.”
Your website is the most vital link you have to your customers, but can they find your website when they conduct a Google search? Most web designers fail because they use SEO methods that are too broad in scope. If the traffic your website is generating lives on the other side of Phoenix, there’s little chance it’s going to result in any business.
This begs the question, “How can a web design specialist target the local market that is most likely to use my business?”
Why do some web designs fail?
A website’s success can only be measured by the business it generates. Anything else is nothing more than a vanity project. While there are many web designers in Phoenix that are skilled at building websites, few have any understanding of marketing and business.
You may have the most beautiful website in the internet, but if it doesn’t generate business then it’s a waste of money.
Before you can design a successful website, you have to understand why so many fail. Our Phoenix web design company identified three main reasons why websites fail, so ask yourself if any of these sound familiar…
Reason One: My website isn’t generating traffic – This is undoubtedly the most common reason why a web design fails. Many small business owners hire a web designer who they know personally, or perhaps a friend of a friend. They build an attractive website at a reasonable price, and then sit back and wait for the phone calls to start pouring in.
Unfortunately, simply building a website doesn’t establish a Phoenix business’ internet identity. When consumers are in need of goods and services they use search engines like Google to find what they need. If your website doesn’t appear on the search results page, nobody will ever be able to find your site, which means you’re not generating traffic.
As mentioned above, most web designers have little experience with marketing and SEO (search engine optimization). Without an effective website marketing strategy, your site will flounder in obscurity.
Reason Two: My website isn’t generating the right kind of traffic – If you’re getting lots of phone calls from people living outside of your service area, or your website metrics show plenty of traffic but customers aren’t contacting you, then your web design is failing to generating quality traffic.
Our web design specialists often encounter situations where SEO was used ineffectively. A good indication that your web designer optimized for the wrong keywords is repeatedly getting phone calls from customers asking for a product or service you don’t offer.
You may also get web-based traffic outside of your service area. In Phoenix, this can be a real problem, because someone who lives on the east side of town probably isn’t going to drive to the west side for lunch or take their car into the shop for repairs.
Attracting local business is the goal of most small to medium sized businesses. The vast majority of Phoenix web design companies fail to generate the right kind of internet traffic, which ends up costing business owners in the long run.
Reason Three: My website isn’t converting traffic into sales – In this situation, a web designer creates an attractive and functional website that is generating the right kind of traffic, yet little to any of that traffic is being converted into sales. There is a variety of reasons why this can happen, and not all of them are the fault of a web designer, but an effective web design strategy seeks to address potential marketing issues before they pose an insurmountable obstacle.
More often than not, quality web-based traffic fails to convert because of inadequate or ineffective marketing. Effective web marketing seeks to establish a business’ unique identity, outlining why their product or service is preferable to the competition.
Pricing is also a factor. If you own an oil change business and charge $55 for your service, but your competitor a block away is doing the same work for $45, you are probably losing business.
Even the layout, color palette, photos, written content, and overall “feel” of your website should be carefully considered. If the purpose of your website is to generate income, then every element is a marketing element.
Phoenix web design company knows how to address all of these common issues
The beauty of our Website Development Package is its simplicity. By narrowing the scope and focus of web design to meet challenges unique to small businesses, we developed an affordable package that offers tangible results. You won’t have to wait a year for your website to be “established” to start generating business.
First we need to figure out how your web design will generate quality traffic that has the best chance to be converted into sales. We must also develop a design that addresses your unique marketing challenges within your local market. Our Phoenix web design company follows these five simple steps to meet these goals.
Step One: Develop a five page website that clearly establishes your business identity – The web design process is exciting and rewarding. One of our web design experts will work with you to develop the look and feel of your five-page site. We’ve been building websites for more than 20 years, so we understand how to blend various elements into an attractive site that offers a professional message with a friendly interface.
Our Phoenix web design company also understands that when your customers navigate to your web page, they need to be immediately greeted with relevant information. We also place your contact front-and-center on every page, so that your customers can reach out to you whenever the urge hits them.
Step Two: Optimizing the homepage for internet searches – First, your web design specialist will identify the most effective keywords and phrases for your market. These are the words your customers use when searching for goods and services relative to your industry. These keywords are then incorporated into the home page content by one of our professional writers. During this process, they will use their business and marketing acumen to ensure that the content motivates the customer to act on their impulse to make a purchase.
Our Phoenix web design team always encourages business owners to think of their home page as the virtual front door of their business. When a potential customer walks in the door, they should be greeted immediately and guided toward their purchase. An effective, optimized homepage also acts like a seasoned sales closer, so your web designer will use various calls-to-action to aid in this process.
Step Three: Make sure your web design is mobile-friendly – The vast majority of consumers are using smart phones to conduct their internet searches for the things they need. Whether they’re looking for a place to eat lunch or are in need of emergency roadside service, they use their phone to find the local business they’re looking for.
Your Phoenix web design specialist will ensure that your website is mobile-friendly across all platforms. Whether the user owns an iPhone or Android-based phone, your site will load quickly and efficiently. You never have to worry about losing business because your web design failed to address this vital issue.
Step Four: Create a Google Plus listing – When internet users conduct a search for local businesses, the results rank in a special box at the top of the page. This is the Google Maps area, which is the most coveted spot on the search engine results page. In order to rank your website in this listing, your web design expert will create a Google Plus listing. This listing will not only help rank your site, but it also acts as a public interface for your website where customers can leave reviews and link to your website.
Our Phoenix web design company are still one of very few that take the time to create this listing, make it attractive, and then use it to help rank your site. This often-untapped power can help you quickly establish a dominating online presence, even if your web design is brand new.
Step Five: Use citations to establish and maintain your presence on Google Maps – Google Maps offers the most effective way to attract quality local business within your service area. Citations tell Google that your website is authentic, so the more we add, the better you’ll rank on the results page. As part of your package we include enough citations to rank your website within your local market – guaranteed.
Our Phoenix web design company also offers affordable monthly citation packages that allow you to bolster or maintain your Google Maps ranking. This is especially beneficial if you’re in a competitive market or industry, so be sure to ask one of our web design specialists about this option.
Turn your website into a money-making engine
Are you ready to unleash the full power that an effective web design generates? Contact LinkHelpers today and find out more about our comprehensive Website Development Package.
Business is about making money. Your website is the key to ongoing success.
2942 N 24th St #114 Phoenix AZ 85016
17399 W Buckhorn Trail, Surprise AZ 85387