Who Should Be Your Brand Advocates?
We already talked about how advocates can help your brand, and how to gain more advocates. Now, we will dig deeper into who are qualified to be brand advocates. Obviously, your loyal customers are the best suited to be the best endorsers of your brand. Let’s go into specifics and group the kind of customers you will be dealing with:
- Referrers. These people introduce your products to new people.
- Committed customers. These are the people who are commenting sensible opinions whenever you publish new content. They will engage with you, and try your products. Basically, they are very involved in everything.
- Social media sharers. These people are quite different from #2. They prefer to stay on the side, but these people are very active on social media. Whenever you have a new post, they are always ready to “share” or “like” any new posts.
- Honest reviewers. These people tell you their honest opinion. Whether it’s a good or bad review, you are sure that they will be forthright about their critique.

Finding the right people to become product advocates.
How to Encourage Your Customers to Talk About Your Brand
Other things may change, but one thing stays the same. New web visitors trust the opinion of the existing customers. In order for your customers to entice more people, they need to leave a review. Here are a few tips to encourage more reviews:
Don’t just require your customers to leave a review right away.
- Because if they love your product, they will surely let you know. It’s not something you should ask. It’s freely given to you. Just wait maybe the customer is still collecting his thoughts.
It’s not about the number of reviews.
- Potential customers won’t be convinced of a perfect rating without some comments. They will focus on detailed reviews. If you have glowing reviews that tell a story, highlight them on your website or social media.
- To encourage existing customers to leave a review, start a loyalty program. It’s a tried and tested method to raise your brand advocates:
You can’t avoid negative experiences.
- When someone encounters a problem, a loyalty program comes in handy. Yes, you have to address the issues, but offering loyalty points may help ease the bad situation. Because of your loyalty program, you may win back their hearts and end up as one of your product advocates.
Encourage sharing it on social media.
- Give your customers a nudge and encourage them to share their experience on social media. For example, you can reward customers with points every time they share on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.
- Aside from having a loyalty program, you can also build a referral program.
- You can motivate your existing customers to refer people to your website in exchange of rewards. For instance, once someone successfully signs up on your website, the referrer can get rewards points and freebies.
- A referral program is like hitting 2 birds with one stone. You get new customers, and at the same time, you transform your current clients into advocates.