How to Use Twitter the Right Way
Twitter Tips & Tricks
With over 313,000,000 active users, Twitter is one of the most popular social media websites now. It boasts a total of 1 billion unique views per month to different sites with embedded tweets. Twitter is a helpful marketing tool to share your brand, to acquire new followers, and to create that community of people with similar interests. What do you need to do to make your tweets visible to most people? How to use Twitter to its fullest potential? Just follow these easy tips:
- Use hashtags.
Twitter is famous for its hashtags. Now, even Facebook supports hashtags. A hashtag is a phrase – spelled without spaces and with a pound sign in the beginning – used to identify messages on a particular topic. If you want to share your opinion, reaction, or even a blog post, use the appropriate hashtag. Tweets with hashstags have a higher chance of getting interactions including replies and retweets. For example, #PrayforLondon and #PrayforMachester. These topics are timely and relevant. People talked about the recent horrible events in the UK. All important updates regarding the tragedy included the specific hashtags. Twitter users from all over the world sent their messages of encouragement and sympathy.
- Engage with your followers. This is the most neglected strategy. Do not just post updates. You will lose followers if you do not engage. Twitter is a place for you to have that one-on-one conversation with your customers. You have to start tweeting and interacting with people. Make it personal. I do not mean you click every follow button. You need to observe the activity of the Twitter users. Encourage people to shop by retweeting positive reviews. A celebrity tweet mentioning your brand can definitely give you a boost. You can also retweet interesting articles, tweet humorous posts, have a giveaway, ask questions, reply to queries. Once you interact with one user, it will have a ripple effect. Your followers can join in and reply too! The more interactions you have, the more noise you create. Thus, more people will follow your account.
- Get peoples’ attention by using visuals.
Another unique things about Twitter is that on the compose a tweet window, you can insert a GIF or series of animated images. Tweets with images tend to get more retweets and interactions. When people can relate to the GIF, or they find it comical, they will most likely share it by retweeting. Other things you may attach: product images, inspiring quotes, creative videos. This is not Facebook where you can type a lengthy post. Keep it short. Add images together with your tweet and link.
- Polish your Twitter profile.
Give attention to every detail on your profile. People will be doubtful with the authenticity of your profile if the details are incomplete. Use your company logo as your picture and header photo. Add your location and your official website. Link people to your main hub. You can even add important links on the bio section. Use the color palette similar to your website. Do not miss this opportunity to advertise your brand.
- Schedule your tweets. Post frequently. As I said earlier, the more you tweet, the more content gets out there. There is a higher chance for people to read your blog posts. Schedule tweets at different times. You can try to schedule one in the morning and one in the evening. I know constantly tweeting can be tedious, but the Tweetdeck app makes tweeting easier. It can help you on composing tweets beforehand and publishing them at a future date and time.