How to Use Your Blog to Improve SEO
Almost every company would have a blog nowadays. Besides, it’s an SEO staple and an ideal way to optimize profitable keywords.
However, not all website owners understand the full potential of blogging. For some, it’s just about writing content, packing it with the best keywords, and hitting the publish button.
But in the bigger picture, there’s more to it than merely mere page copies.
If you want to use your blog as a powerful SEO tool, here are some of the tips you can follow:
Write for a specific audience
When you write your blog posts, target a specific segment of your audience. This way, each of your posts will be valuable across your readers.
If you’re selling a specific service, say finance planning, you can write separate posts targeting companies and individual clients.
Make sure that you use keywords that your readers are likely to search for. At all cost, offer content that has solutions and not just pure sales copy.
Come up with an awesome blog name
Yes, you have a blog, but it doesn’t have to be named as plain as “Blog”. Come up with a creative name to tickle the interest of your readers.
If you’re not a fan of witty blog names, you can simply use your keywords. For example, if you have a business website for your appliance repair shop, you can name your blog as The Appliance Expert Blog
You can include the keyword on the page title of your blog. This way, you can pull in more traffic.
Optimize your content
If you have a blog for some years now, you can repurpose your content to boost your SEO. You can extend the content and look for additional on-page strategies you can implement.
Make sure that you add internal links on your blog posts to spread the authority of your high-performing pages.
Also, you can review the title tags and description of your posts to ensure that your keywords are well-optimized.
Fix your URL structure
As much as possible, your blog posts should be easy to find. But what if your blog page’s URL is too long to fit on the address bar?
The rule of thumb is to make the URLs of your posts descriptive, short, and simple. You can also use your keywords for added optimization.
Spare the conjunctions, linking verbs, and prepositions. Remember, Google loves short addresses and it also has a correlation to a website’s ranking.
Use images and videos
Aside from your great content, you should also add videos and images related to your topic. Humans are visual beings and their attention spans are too short for plain text.
You can create a video about your content so the readers will have an option to watch it instead of skimming through the long text. Also, images can be infographics that will add a sparkle to your page copy.
Lastly, make sure that you place necessary alt tags on your multimedia content.
As you see, a website’s blog is a powerful SEO tool. If you do it right, the blog will yield better SEO results in no time.