That Thing Called Microcopy
Microcopy: it’s all about the smallest details.
In creating websites or apps, there are those littlest details you may not notice yet they are extremely important. Microcopy is essential to our online lives. On a daily basis, we deal with it. Some of you may have noticed it while some haven’t. These microcopy help guides may be tiny, but they serve a huge purpose. From undervalued cues when you enter a website for the first time to the miniscule prompts on the progress bar that will update on what’s happening. A microcopy is a deciding factor whether a user should or should not continue exploring your website.
So what is microcopy?
- The tiny chunks of text in an app or website is called microcopy. These are not just texts because they are added there to guide the user. These words are blended well into a page that it may go unnoticed most of the time, but without them, users would end up confused on what to do.
When should you use microcopy?
There are many uses of microcopy and you can know about it in detail on this blog post. The two main purposes of it is a) to motivate a user to take an action and b) to emphasize an important statement.
- Microcopy helps your users through the several form fields in your website. However, it’s not limited the only the users, but it is also beneficial to you. Because of the cues inserted on form fields, you will gain correct details from your users. You are sure that the details inputted are accurate all thanks to the well-placed microcopy.
- Microcopy encourages users to click that call-to-action (CTA) button without being much of a hard-sell. It can be used to subtly guide users to do what you want them to do.
How should you go about it?
The microcopy hints and guides will all depend on your branding. Generally speaking, these tips will help you get started on the right direction. Follow the instructions given below:
- It is important to your user. Design prompts and field from their perspective. Try to know what they are thinking and feeling the moment they see that page on your website. Empathize with your users and let them know that you are on their side.
- Pay attention to the littlest details. During the usability testing, read and analyze the actual words used. Listen to the opinions of your teammates if certain words create confusion or if these messages are clearly explained.
- It should agree to your brand. If your brand identity is known to be humorous, add a witty voice. You should be able to guarantee that the unique style and conversant tone of your microcopy coincides with your brand so your users are ensured a smooth browsing experience.
As a final word, you have to make sure the word choices are clear and the statements on point. By the time your users read your microcopy, they should know what they need to do at that given moment. It is your duty to direct them to the right track whenever they take a wrong turn. If they made a mistake, your microcopy should offer a helping hand on how to fix things. More tips on how you should create an efficient microcopy are all here.