12 Web Design Terms Everyone Should Know
Being in the world of web design can sometimes feel like learning a new language. You will read terms like CMS, hosting, compression, CSS. Do the terms ring a bell to you? Maybe yes, maybe no.
There are a lot of technical terms referring to the different aspects of web design and it can get confusing at times. For some who are just getting started with being a web designer or just someone looking to have their website designed, it can be really overwhelming at first.
Here’s a list of important terms that one non-web designers should know:
- It means Content Management System. It is a platform that enables designers to develop and modify the content of a website without requiring one to have any technical knowledge about web codes
- is simply the name of the website and it usually ends in .com, .net, .org. Domains nowadays can end with .me, .design, .io.
- Cascading Style Sheet
- Used to format the look of a website that determine how different the elements within the web page will appear on the screen by the user. It allows the different elements like color of the text, size, background, position of the different parts of the page to be set.
- Optimization of file or data sizes in a format or reasonable size that takes up less space and that will eventually help to speed things up.
- Call to Action
- These are links or buttons prompting you to “Click here”, “Sign Up” that will vary depending on the website you are into is an example of a CTA. It entices or expects users to take a particular or predetermined action.
Hex Code
- It is a six-digit code that starts with a #. Each hex code has its assigned color that will appear on the designer’s web page.
- Refers to the arrangement and usage of different typefaces. With typography, websites are able communicate well with their visitors.
- Provides services by which data will be stored on a publicly-accessible server. Once it is uploaded, people are able to view the content of a website.
- Search Engine Optimization
- This enhances the likelihood of your website to appear or be discovered in various search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. Typical SEO techniques includes the use of keywords that can be helpful on the content portion and the use of metadata.
Visual Hierarchy
- Web designers come up with a visual hierarchy before putting content on a website. This is important when figuring out what’s more important and what needs emphasis.
- Helps to make sure your message gets across the right way.
Refers to the image detail. So, when your images have a higher resolution, the higher quality it has. When a high resolution image is used in a website, it looks clear, crisp, and colorful. The image will have more details. When the opposite happens, a low resolution image will appear blurry and pixelated.
Responsive Web Design
- When you say a website has a responsive web design, this means a website will fit in all screen sizes or different devices. This helps users experience optimal and seamless browsing on your website.