Psychological Tricks You Can Use On Your Website (Part 2)
Welcome to the 2nd part of the series. If you have missed the first batch, you can catch up here. I will still discuss how psychology helps in promoting your website. The concepts discussed on this post can found in a book called Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion.
Knowing what encourages web visitors to click CTA buttons will help you design a website that fosters a persuasive user experience. In the end, these strategies will benefit both your business and your customers. Here are 3 ways to help you gain more web visitors:
- Customers tend to mistrust companies that are clearly after sales and profits. With that being said, do not focus too much on the business side of things. Connect with your audience and interact with them.
- Nurture trusting relationships by genuinely caring for your audience. When they see how much you care, they will trust you. You are not some faceless website, but you are now a dear friend.
- Before you blurt out words and send out emails, ask yourself first, “Is this something I would say in real life?” Read your blog posts, email messages, and status updates. Check if it sounds too scripted. If you can’t imagine saying it to another person, then, don’t include it.
- Stop following a certain structure because this is you and you have your own personality. Frankly, you don’t have to follow or imitate a website just because they are popular. You have to show the unique you and don’t think too much about what others might say.
- Remember the famous Latin proverb, “Fortune favors the bold.” When you restrict yourself and follow a generic path, it will never work. The cookie-cutter messages are boring and unconvincing. Add your personal touch by including actual expressions. Tailoring online posts and website content make you sound more human.
- Who doesn’t like special treatment? So, add their names once you want to send a marketing email instead of writing a generic “Hello,” or “Good day!” Experiment with your available resources and you really don’t have to speak formally at all times. Showing your own charm and sassiness makes you less robotic.
Choose to be a caring friend and not some faceless business entity.
- If a famous celebrity or renowned expert leaves a positive review, feature it on your website. Businesses nowadays share reviews of people, whether celebrity or not, on social media. These reviews on Facebook or Twitter are effective because they are shared by actual people. To be honest, no amount of well-crafted sales talk can compare.
- Never underestimate the power of a positive review. These seemingly unimportant people are actually important. The reviews help the undecided to give your products a try, and to trust the quality of what you are selling.
- So, highlight those enthusiastic and ecstatic reviews and reply by saying thanks because it reflects your success and boosts your trustworthiness.
Limited-Time Offers
- When a certain product is only available for a short period of time, people tend to rave about it. The demand increases because in people’s minds, they feel that they should not miss out on this exclusive offer.
- It’s an effective marketing strategy because people are afraid of missing out of what others are doing. There’s always a desire to be updated and be in the know with all these rewarding deals online.
- Thus, web visitors will always take action if they know that a sale ends in 72 hours. There’s a sense of urgency that will surely encourage them to participate.