Online Shopping Guide
Tips on ensuring a great shopping experience.
Websites has been a trading ground for online businesses and it is the easiest way although there are fraudsters out there studying how they can take advantage of you. They either sell you something that does not exist or sell you something that has poor quality. Either way, you have been scammed!
An online seller could ask you details of your identity or your financial information to defraud you. Fraudsters could also give you a website that seems to be an auction site, but in reality, it is their way of getting your payment details. You should investigate and check the URL. They probably changed the address a bit just to make it look real.
To save yourself any further problems. Be aware of the following:
- Fake sites is set by a scammer. Since they know the designer sites, they will add something maybe a word or a different spelling. Check the web address to confirm their authenticity or better yet type the correct web address yourself.
- Pay on the auction site, but do not click any links neither should you use the money transfer mode. Use services like Paypal, which will protect your money.
- Know the auction sites, terms and conditions, as well as their dispute resolution policy.
- Fraudsters like opening in good accounts like eBay. They will buy stuffs to get good feedback and therefore they will also get a positive feedback scores. Check their profiles thoroughly and go to through the real comments from real buyers. If they do not have it, you are being targeted as their next victim.
- No photos? Then, you do not know if the product actually exists. Do your research and check Google to know if it is just a duplicate. That should set a warning alarm.
- Less details? Scammers will hardly write a detailed information. Ask questions and ask the seller for pictures so they will panic and give you a picture which you could also check later.
- Low price? Most fraudsters do this as a bargain tactic and they will use a good online marketplace like Gumtree or eBay just to look real. The truth is, it is either a fake item/s or worst, there is no such product. And if you have sent your money, there is no way you can get your money back.
- No contact number? This should make you wonder. If someone is selling, they should be readily be contacted by their buyers. Sometimes they will put a contact number that does not work. This is a tale-tell sign.
- Contacts outside the official system? Be wary when the seller insist that you call them in their mobile number or contact them through email. Do not continue the transaction.
Take note of these tips before you buy anything online. To be sure, go to the official websites of the products you wish to buy. Be careful in buying from other people. You cannot be certain of their quality and authenticity.