Phoenix Website Design – Need New Content for Your Website? Use These Tools!
Are you out of ideas? What will be your next blog post be about? Worry no more!

Are you looking for content ideas?
In this blog post, I will explore content tools in order for you to come up with exciting new ideas for your website. As an SEO professional, content is an important factor. We all know that search engines like Google value content.
On the down side, thinking of new ideas can be difficult. You can’t just conjure an idea in a snap. Creating useful content for your audience can be challenging. I’m sure that you’ve experienced being stuck in a rut. You have no idea what to write and to offer to your thousands of followers.
3 Tools That Can Generate Content Ideas
At first, writing seems very easy because there a lot of ideas in your head. Now, after publishing hundreds of articles, things aren’t easy anymore – everything seems to remind you of something you wrote in the past. If you are tired of recycling old content, these tools can definitely help you get a fresh start.
- First on the list is an online called BuzzSumo. Actually, BuzzSumo is not just about content. It can help on finding digital influencers, tracking online activity, and discovering new content.
- When you do your content research with BuzzSumo, you can search using a keyword, and it will search articles and social posts for you. Remember, research on other domains and study your competitor sites too.
- By using BuzzSumo, you can easily know what content get likes, shares, and links. Most importantly, you will know what your audience would like to see more on your website.
- For as low as $99 a month, you can take advantage of their unlimited content research and content analysis.
- Next, you can use SEMrush. With its Topic Research tool, you can simply type in a topic to know more information about it.
- Not only that, it will also analyze the different topics and headlines that are popular online. Moreover, it will give you a heads up on other related topics. You will know the questions that are being asked.
- Thus, you will have an idea on what the other sites are posting about.
- A premium subscription on SEMrush will allow you to know about your competitors’ articles and social media posts. Also, you will get to use the other 28 advanced SEO tools.
Answer the Public
- Lastly, this tool focuses on the questions. Answer the Public is will help you find the questions that people typing on search engines. You will know what the exact keywords they are looking for online.
- Once you input a keyword, it will give you a creative visualization of the questions related to the topic such as how, why, will, can, and many more.
- With Answer the Public’s Pro tool, you can conduct unlimited searches, get new ideas, and a bunch of other perks.
Wrapping up
Yes, there are more tools available online. For sure, you can try out the FREE tools like the ones posted here. Before I end this, I want to make it clear that THIS IS NOT A SPONSORED POST. I am merely sharing to you the available options for you to find new ideas.