How to Create a Useful FAQ page? (Part 1)
Search engines always look for relevant web pages. One of the pages that would mean a lot would be the FAQ pages. The Frequently Asked Questions, or FAQ, both appeal to the users and search engines. When you plan your FAQ section well, it can be a great source of information.
Are you really able to answer your customers’ questions?
Here are different ways to produce better FAQ pages:
- Study different FAQs.
- Before you create your own, look at various FAQ pages first. As this stage, it is important that you are able to distinguish the right questions to raise awareness. Of course, you won’t display a question that is not relevant to your business.
- Remember, the main purpose of an FAQ page is to educate your customers. You need to do a detailed research on what questions they will be asking. You should plan your FAQ page basing from their POV, and not yours.
- To know more about the questions customers usually ask, you can ask the opinion of customer service team. They will surely help you pick the valuable questions. After you have collated all the questions, ask for a customer feedback as well. Did they find the FAQ page useful? Maybe they want to suggest something?
- To improve your online business, you can employ the help of various survey tools such as Google Survey, Survey Planet, Survey Hero, Zoho Survey, and many others. Basic plans are free, but there are paid subscriptions all. If you want a more extensive identification problem areas, you may need to upgrade your plan.
- Another part of the planning process is: Keyword Research. When you do this, you will know what the popular keywords are. Moreover, you will actually identify what words the people are using when they search the web.
- Like the survey tools, there are free keywords tools and there are also paid ones! It really depends on what you prefer using. However, if you need just the basic features, I have compiled a list of FREE keyword research tools here.
- Aside from that, another way to find out the popular questions is to go to forum sites such as Reddit or Quora. These websites highlight the trending questions people ask in real-time. So, check it out on a daily basis because you might learn new questions.
- Lastly, you should also check your competitors’ websites. Their FAQ pages will give you an idea how to create yours. You will understand how they respond to questions properly. If you think there are questions they haven’t answered yet, then this is your chance to make your FAQ page better.
- Add visual elements.
- Most of the time, text instructions seem vague to your customers. It is not enough to tell them what to do. In fact, showing them how to do a task is better.
- You can only do this successful if you add some pictures along with your instructions. A picture can help them grasp things better. They can visually see how things should be done the right way.
FAQ definitely has value.
Generally, people don’t regard an FAQ page with importance. It should be one of the highlights of a website! Without it, you won’t be able to complete your customers’ shopping experience. More will be discussed on part 2.