Blogging 101: How to Construct Your Blog Post
Writing blog posts may seem easy until you have to try it yourself. Over time, blogging eventually becomes easy. With enough practice, you will find blogging simple as ABC. Unfortunately, there are moments that you’ll experience writer’s block. Words wouldn’t flow smoothly as you would expect them to be. If blogging is a difficult task for you, I’ll help you by listing blogging tips on how to construct your blog post.
blogging tips for beginners.
Your blog post structure is important.
- You should follow a certain structure. Don’t just babble about a topic or story. Ideally, your blog post should start with the introduction, followed by the body, and the conclusion.
- The introduction should give your readers an idea on what to expect upon reading your blog post. Will you provide a list of useful tips? Will you provide a concrete solution to a problem? Do you need to address a controversial issue? A good blog post should be able to answer any of those questions.
- Aside from that, you should state the reason why you chose the topic or why you think it is an important to discuss. Give them a good enough reason to stay and read your post. Provide a brief summary on what this particular blog post will be about.
- This is the second part of your blog post. You should focus on discussing the main purpose on why chose to write this post. Provide detailed tips on how to help your readers. Moreover, give them a how-to guide on doing things.
- The body should provide the solution you promised during the intro. Be useful to your readers and give them something productive. If your post covers different areas, list your main points.
- Use bullets and numbers so that your readers can easily follow the progress of your post. Review each step and eliminate unnecessary sentences to avoid confusion. Keep your sentences short and concise as to not bore your readers.
- If you are out of ideas, imagine you are talking to a friend. Anticipate their questions and visualize what they want to know. You are not obliged to write 1000 words to obtain that quintessential post. Usually, 300 to 500 words is enough.
- Lastly, if you feel like you have too many things to say, you can split the ideas into different blog posts. So, you will have ample time to explain your key points in detail.
- This is where you wrap-up your blog post. Emphasize your main ideas and stress other important details. End your blog post by providing a summary of the solution you presented. Be sure the problems listed in the introduction are given concrete answers.
- Finally, add a call-to-action button or link your readers to another useful post. As much as possible, end the blog post on a positive note and encourage a friendly discussion.
An impressive post does not just happen in a snap. Don’t get discouraged if words don’t flow easily because even the top bloggers experience road blocks. It important to plan ahead and research on your topic. Write an outline of what you plan to cover and what each division will contain. Without a doubt, blogging helps in boosting your online presence. Learn more about the other ways to promote your website here.